
This is how legends are made!
Sedalia Youth Football has been committed to fostering the growth of athletes in grades K-6th grade for more than a decade. Our program introduces athletes in grades K-2nd grade to the sport of football through flag football. Players in our flag program will learn the fundamental skills and core concepts of football.
Athletes in grades 3-6 have the opportunity to participate in our full-contact 11 on 11 tackle football program. Our tackle football program focuses on proper tackling and blocking techniques and teaches advanced positions and correct ball-handling techniques.

Participation in Sedalia Youth Football not only helps to teach fundamental skills of football and sportsmanship, but it also teaches life skills such as leadership, resilience, and perseverance. SYFL’s goal is to improve youth players’ long-term exercise habits, mental health, social connections, and improve academic performance.
Sedalia Youth Football serves youth athletes within Pettis County and plays surrounding Mid-Missouri Teams including Marshall, Columbia, and Jeff City teams. SYFL utilizes the training, programs, and safety screenings created by USA Football and NCSI in order to better support coaches, teams, and players.
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