Sedalia Youth Football League

SYFL 2024 Game Schedules - Tackle

Sedalia 3rd Grade - 6th Grade

August 24th Home Game
September 8th Away Game ColumbiaSeptember 14th Home GameSeptember 21st Home GameSeptember 29th Away Jefferson CityOctober 6th
October 13October 19/20
October 26/27
November 5th
Tiger Night
10:00 AM 3rd Grade
10:00 AM 3rd Grade
Field 5
10:00 AM 3rd Grade
1:00 PM 3 Grade
10:00 AM 3rd Grade
Capital City HS
12:00 3rd Grade
Cosmo Park Field 6
12:00 PM 3rd Grade
Smith Cotton High School
3rd Grade3rd Grade
Jr. Tigers vs. Jr CavsKewpies vs. Jr. TigersJr. Tigers vs. SpartansJr. Tigers vs. KewpiesJr. Cavs vs. Jr. TigersSpartans vs. Jr. TigersJr. Tigers vs. Jr. Cavs
12:00 PM 4th Grade12:00 PM 4th Grade
Field 6
12:00 PM 4th Grade3:00 PM 4th Grade2:00 PM 4th Grade
Helias HS
4th Grade
4th Grade
4th Grade
Jr. Tigers vs. Jr CavsSpartans vs. Jr. Tigers
Jr. Tigers vs. OwlsJr. Tigers vs. KewpiesKnights vs. Jr. TigersTBDTBDTBD
2:00 PM 5th Grade
2:00 PM 5th Grade
Field 6
2:00 PM 5th Grade5:00 PM 5th Grade10:00 AM 5th Grade
Jefferson City HS
5th Grade5th Grade5th Grade
Jr. Tigers vs. Jr CavsSpartans vs. Jr. TigersJr. Tigers vs. SNAJr. Tigers vs. KewpiesJays vs. Jr. TigersTBDTBDTBD
4:00 PM 6th Grade
4:00 PM 6th Grade
Field 6
6th Grade7:00 PM 6th Grade12:00 PM 6th Grade
Jefferson City HS
10:00 PM 6th Grade
Smith Cotton High School
10:00 AM 6th Grade
Smith Cotton High School
6th Grade 6th Grade
Jr. Tigers vs. Jr CavsBruins vs. Jr. TigersByeJr. Tigers vs. KewpiesJays White vs. Jr. TigersJr. Tigers vs. Jays RedJr. Tigers vs. OwlsTBDTBD

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